The Oxen and the Wheels

 Author: Aesop

A heavily loaded wagon was being pulled along a muddy country road by a pair of oxen. To pull the wagon, they had to use all of their strength, but they were unfazed.

The wagon's wheels were of a different kind. They were given a much easier task than the oxen, but they still groaned constantly. The loud whining of the Wheels filled the ears of the poor Oxen as they struggled mightily to pull the wagon through the thick mud. And as you are probably aware, this made it much harder for them to put up with their work.

Finally losing patience, the Oxen cried, "Silence!". " We are bearing all the burden, not you, and we are also remaining silent about it.  What have you Wheels got to complain about so loudly?".


The least harmed people complain the loudest.


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