A Man Who Had No Eyes


A Man Who Had No Eyes

Author: MacKinlay Kantor


In the spring air, as the warm sun bathed the asphalt, Mr. Parsons, a successful and respected man, couldn't help but reflect on his journey from humble beginnings. A chance encounter with a blind beggar on the avenue stirred a mix of pity and curiosity within him. Little did Mr. Parsons know that this encounter would unravel a tale of tragedy and redemption, forever changing his perspective on life.


The Mysterious Beggar

As Mr. Parsons emerged from his hotel, his attention was captured by a shaggy, thick-necked blind beggar making his way down the avenue. The beggar's appearance and demeanor piqued Mr. Parsons' interest, evoking a sense of pity for the plight of the blind. He felt a connection, a shared understanding of the struggles faced by those less fortunate. A Chance Encounter

Intrigued by the blind beggar's presence, Mr. Parsons decided to engage in conversation. The beggar, eager to make a sale, offered Mr. Parsons a cigarette lighter, appealing to his potential connections. However, Mr. Parsons politely declined, revealing that he did not smoke. Instead of dismissing the beggar, Mr. Parsons offered his assistance, handing him two half dollars. This act of kindness would set in motion a series of events that would reveal a shocking twist. The Chemical Explosion

As the beggar pocketed the half dollars, he revealed that he had lost his sight fourteen years ago in the Westbury chemical explosion. This disaster, largely forgotten by society, had claimed the lives of 108 people and left over 50 others blind. The beggar, a former worker at the chemical plant, recounted the horror of that fateful day, emphasizing the disparity between the insured capitalists and the workers who suffered the most. A Startling Revelation

Listening intently, Mr. Parsons realized that the blind beggar was unaware of his true identity. Unbeknownst to the beggar, Mr. Parsons had also been present during the Westbury explosion. In a moment of realization, Mr. Parsons revealed his true identity to the beggar, shocking him with the revelation that he had climbed over him during their escape from the collapsing building. A Clash of Emotions

The blind beggar, now known as Markwardt, was overcome with a mix of emotions. Confusion, anger, and embarrassment washed over him as he realized that Mr. Parsons had heard his story and had been standing in front of him the entire time. The realization of his blindness, combined with the perceived mockery, led Markwardt to lash out in a fit of rage, drawing the attention of onlookers. Unveiling the Shared Tragedy

In the midst of the commotion, Mr. Parsons calmly explained that he too had been blinded in the chemical explosion. Rather than reveling in his own success, he empathized with Markwardt's pain, understanding the hardships they both had endured. This shared tragedy brought a newfound understanding between the two men, transcending their initial differences. A Lesson in Compassion

The encounter between Mr. Parsons and Markwardt serves as a powerful reminder of the transient nature of life's fortunes. It teaches us to look beyond appearances and preconceived notions, for we never know the hidden struggles others may carry. Compassion, empathy, and understanding can bridge the gaps that society often creates, fostering true connections and shared humanity. The Power of Redemption

Both Mr. Parsons and Markwardt experienced a transformation through their encounter. Mr. Parsons, despite his success, realized that his journey was not without its own hardships. Markwardt, on the other hand, discovered that his bitterness and anger could be replaced with a sense of empathy and understanding. Their meeting served as a catalyst for personal growth and an opportunity for redemption. Conclusion

"A Man Who Had No Eyes" is a poignant tale that explores the complexities of the human experience. Through tragedy and unexpected connections, the story reminds us of the importance of compassion, empathy, and the capacity for personal growth. It serves as a testament to the power of redemption and the potential for transformation, even in the face of adversity. Let us remember this tale and strive to view the world through a lens of understanding and kindness.


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