The Farmer and the Stork

 Author: Aesop

Long ago, in a tranquil meadow, a Stork walked freely. One day, a group of Cranes, led by Cecil, approached him with a request.

"The stork, dear friend," Cecil said with a tone of excitement, "we have discovered a newly planted field nearby. It's a feast waiting for us! Come with us and indulge in the bounty of nature."

The stork, being a very simple and trusting bird, eagerly agreed to join the gay party of Cranes. The stork had no idea that his decision would have disastrous effects. As they entered the field, the birds were suddenly ensnared by the meshes of a net laid by the cunning Farmer.

"Oh no!" The stork cried out, struggling to free himself. "Please let me go, kind Farmer! I don't deserve to be trapped like these deceitful Cranes."

The Farmer, observing the desperate plea of the Stork, paused for a moment. "Well, you might be a truthful bird, stork, but ignorance is no excuse at all. You were caught in the company of these thieves, and so you shall share their punishment."

The stork's heart sank as he realized the gravity of his mistake. "I understand now," he whispered, filled with regret. "My involvement with the Cranes has only brought me bad luck."

And so, the stork learned the valuable lesson that day: You are judged by the company you keep. From that moment forward, he resolved to surround himself with birds of good character, unburdened by deceit.


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