Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs

 Author: Aesop

Long ago, on a peaceful farm, there lived a good-hearted goose who laid eggs of gold. The farmer would come daily to collect a golden egg from the goose.  For a long, this cycle persisted, and the farmer got avaricious.

"Why should I only gather a single egg daily?" the farmer wondered one day.  If I cut open the goose, I will get all the golden eggs at once!" So, driven by his greed, the farmer decided to take drastic action.

A sense of terror washed over the goose as the farmer approached it with a sharpened knife. The geese begged the farmer not to do it, saying, greed will curse you."

But the farmer, blinded by his desire for wealth, replied callously, "I don't care about curses. I want all the golden eggs!"

The goose, in agony and desperation, fluttered its wings and said, "You don't understand, farmer. The golden eggs were a blessing, but your greed is a curse. It will bring you misfortune and sorrow."

Ignoring the goose's warning, the farmer proceeded to cut open the bird. He was disappointed to find no golden eggs inside. The goose had only been able to lay one golden egg per day because of its special gift.

As the farmer stood there in shock, he realized the error of his ways. The goose's words echoed in his mind, and he realized that greed truly was a curse. From that day forward, the farmer vowed to live a life of contentment and gratitude.

And so, the once-golden goose served as a reminder to all who heard the tale that greed could never bring true happiness.


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