The Cock and the Fox

 Author: Aesop

A wise old Cock flew into a tree to roost one bright evening. As he was about to tuck his head under his wing, and there, directly beneath him, stood Master Fox.

The Fox exclaimed in an excited voice, "Have you heard the wonderful news?

What news, questioned the Cock? He was extremely afraid of the Fox, so he experienced a strange, fluttery feeling inside of him.

The fox told, "Your family, mine, and all other animals have decided to set aside their differences and coexist peacefully and amicably going forward.”Do come down, dear friend, and let us rejoice the happy event together! I simply cannot wait to embrace you. ".

How wonderful!" exclaimed the Cock. "I am definitely excited about the news. But he spoke in a disinterested tone and leaned forward on his toes, appearing to be gazing off in the distance.

The Fox inquired slightly anxiously, "What is it you see?".

The cock replied, "It appears that a couple of dogs are approaching from this direction. They must have learned the good news and—".

The Fox, however, did not hold off on learning more. He took off running.

The Cock exclaimed, "Wait."

"Why do you run when the dogs are now your friends?"

The Fox gave his reply, "Yes.". But perhaps they were unaware of the news. In addition, I almost forgot that I had a very important errand to run. ".

As he dozed off and buried his head in his feathers, the Cock grinned, knowing that he had defeated a cunning foe.


It is simple to trick the trickster.


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