Similes 'Like & As'


A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind. Striking Comparisons make speech or writing forceful and interesting. A stated comparison (usually formed with "like" or "as") between two fundamentally dissimilar things that have certain qualities in common.


Eat like a bird: eat very little

Eat like horse: eat a great deal

Work like a dog: work very hard

Sleep like dead: sleep soundly

Treat like dirt or Treat like a dog: treat without respect

Selling like hot cakes: selling quickly in large numbers

Follow like sheep: follow blindly

Drop like a hot potato: drop quickly and abruptly

Do something like a shot: do something very quickly


As artful/ mischievous as a monkeyAs hard as stone
As black as coal/ crowAs helpless as a new born baby
As ancient/old as the hillsAs innocent as a lamb
As bright as day/ silverAs loud as thunder
As busy as beeAs merry as a cricket
As brave as lionAs obstinate as mule
As clear as crystal/ day/ a new pinAs sharp as a razor
As changeable as weatherAs patient as job
As cold as iceAs playful as a kitten
As cheap as dirtAs proud as a peacock
As cheerless/ silent as graveAs quick as lightening/ flash
As countless as the starsAs regular as a clock work
As cunning as a foxAs ripe as a cherry
As dry as dustAs round as a ball
As deep as wellAs sweet as honey
As dark as midnightAs silly as sheep
As easy as abcAs stupid as donkey
As fair/ fresh as a roseAs timid as a mouse
As fierce as a tigerAs smooth as velvet
As firm/ steady as a rockAs soft as butter
As fast as a hareAs straight as an arrow
As free/ light as airAs sure as death
As greedy as a pigAs white as milk


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