
Showing posts from July, 2023

How to Introduce Yourself

When introducing yourself in any context such as a job interview, social gatherings, educational settings, orientation or training sessions, professional networking events, volunteer events etc. it is essential to make a positive and memorable impression. Here are some tips for introducing yourself in any setting: Start by saying your name. This is the most important part of introducing yourself. Shake hands if appropriate. This is a way to show the other person that you are friendly and approachable. Make eye contact. This shows the other person that you are paying attention and that you are interested in what they have to say. Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. The other person will be able to tell if you're being fake, and it will make a bad impression. Be confident. Your body language and tone of voice should convey that you're confident and comfortable in your own skin. Be brief. There's no need to give your life

General English vs Business English

  Introduction In today's globalized world, the ability to effectively communicate in English is essential. However, it's important to recognize that there are different forms of English, each with its own unique characteristics and purposes. Two such forms are General English and Business English. While both are important, they serve distinct purposes and require different skills. In this article, we will explore the key differences between General English and Business English, and why it's important to understand these distinctions. 1. General English: Everyday Conversational English General English, as the name suggests, is the form of English used in everyday conversations and informal settings. It focuses on basic vocabulary and grammar, with an emphasis on practical usage. The tone of General English is casual and relaxed, allowing for easy communication between individuals. It is primarily used by native speakers in their day-to-day lives. 1.1 Vocabulary and Grammar

La Belle Dame sans Merci

 A Ballad: By John Keats Introduction In the realm of romantic poetry, John Keats stands as one of the most revered figures, known for his lyrical and emotive works. One of his notable contributions to literature is the ballad "La Belle Dame Sans Merci." This enchanting piece explores the tale of a knight who encounters a captivating, yet ultimately treacherous, lady. The title of the ballad, "La Belle Dame Sans Merci," is derived from a much earlier work of literature by Alain Chartier. By retaining the French title, Keats establishes an immediate connection to the medieval romance explored in the original poem. Moreover, it adds an element of exoticism and intrigue for English readers. Historical and Literary Context To fully appreciate the significance of "La Belle Dame Sans Merci," it is essential to understand the historical and literary context in which it was written. Keats composed this ballad in the early spring of 1819, just

The Poetics

 Author: Aristotle Introduction Aristotle, a renowned Greek philosopher, scientist, and scholar of the 4th century BCE, made significant contributions to the field of literary criticism. His work on this subject, known as "Poetics," is considered a foundational text in Western literary tradition. Aristotle's Contributions to Literary Criticism Aristotle's influence on literary criticism is best exemplified in his work "Poetics." In this treatise, Aristotle delves into the nature of tragedy and its essential components. He analyzes the structure, plot, characters, and emotional impact of tragedy, providing a framework that has shaped literary analysis to this day. Aristotle's emphasis on the concept of catharsis, the purging of emotions through art, has been particularly influential in understanding the power of literature to evoke empathy and evoke profound emotional responses. Poetics Book Imitation: The Essence of Poetry Ac

A Passage to India

 Author: E. M. Forster Introduction Edward Morgan Forster's novel, "A Passage to India," delves into the complexities and tensions that arise between the British colonizers and the Indian people during the early 20th century. Through a diverse range of characters, the novel shines a light on the misunderstandings and prejudices that characterize their interactions. The central theme revolves around the notion that the British Raj was a system of oppression that created deep divisions between the British and the Indians, making it difficult for individuals from different cultures to understand each other. However, the novel also suggests that human connection and understanding hold the key to overcoming these divisions and establishing a more just and equitable society. Central Idea At its core, "A Passage to India" portrays the British Raj as a system of oppression that led to the alienation and mistreatment of the Indian people. The novel empha

Sons and Lovers

 Author: D. H. Lawrence Introduction In D.H. Lawrence's renowned novel, "Sons and Lovers," the complexities and destructive nature of the relationship between a mother and her son take center stage. This gripping tale delves into the profound impact of a suffocating maternal love on a young man's development as an individual and his ability to form healthy romantic relationships. Set in a working-class mining town in early 20th century England, the novel follows the life of Paul Morel, who finds himself deeply entangled in the clutches of his mother's overbearing affection. The Complex Mother-Son Bond The central idea of "Sons and Lovers" revolves around the intricate and often destructive relationship between Gertrude, Paul's mother, and Paul himself. Gertrude is a strong-willed and passionate woman who fiercely protects her son. However, her love for Paul becomes stifling and ultimately hinders his growth. As Paul matures into adul

Of Truth

 Author: Francis Bacon Introduction In the realm of literature and philosophy, few names hold as much significance as Francis Bacon. A Renaissance-era prose writer, philosopher, and pioneer of scientific thought, Bacon had several goals in his life. He aimed to serve his country, the church, and most notably, to seek and disseminate the truth. One of his most famous essays, "Of Truth," delves into the advantages of honesty and the pitfalls of deceit. In this article, we will explore the key insights from Bacon's essay and shed light on the enduring power of truth. The Nature of Truth Truth and honesty are closely intertwined concepts, with truth being associated with the virtue of honesty. However, defining truth can be a complex endeavor as it varies across different spheres of life. Bacon asserts that while truth in religion may differ from truth in philosophy or morality, one form of truth remains constant and certain - scientific truth. Bacon posits t

Of Death

 Author: Francis Bacon Introduction Death is a topic that has fascinated and terrified humanity since the beginning of time. In his essay "Of Death," Sir Francis Bacon delves into the fear of death and provides insights into its different perspectives. By examining the ideas presented in Bacon's essay, we can gain a deeper understanding of this universal fear and explore ways to overcome it. In this comprehensive analysis, we will explore the fear of death, the reasons behind it, and Bacon's suggestions for embracing death with courage and acceptance. Understanding the Fear of Death Childhood Fears and Adult Anxieties Bacon begins his essay by drawing a parallel between the fear of death and the fear of darkness. Just as children are afraid of the dark due to the stories they hear, adults fear death when they are exposed to tales of its horrors. This fear stems from the unknown, the uncertainty of what lies beyond. However, Bacon argues that while it